Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Traintools Post - Craft Sheers

My wife came home with these today...

 Pink pinking sheers.  I started laughing.  Then I got to thinking.  She bought these at one of the one million scrapbooking stores or Target.  Salt Lake City is the capital of scrapbooking.  For $10 she is going to use them for Christmas card trimming.

 Wait a minute!  Can I have those?  Zoom to the basement.  Look at all the cool shapes.  Ever see gingerbread trim on a house or old hotel?

 Wow!  Look at that!  What a neat pattern.  It would take forever to build that for a HO scale front porch.

 Maybe we can cut thin plastic sheets and layer them?  I see lots of possibilities.

What a great scallop shape!  This would make a nice awning.  Thanks honey!  I'm keeping them.

1 comment:

  1. Pink tools???


    Seriously, they'll go nicely with your pink Tu-Tu!

    I've used those types of shears to make awnings for buildings - work great (but mine aren't PINK!)



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