Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'd Like a Little More Room, Please

So the project is to clean out the main basement room which is just around the corner from the workshop. The room is 13 x 14 and has a lot of obstructions such as book cases, cabinets and a fireplace.  Marie and I got to work on it Saturday (while I was working on by Blackberry for my job.)

 The first chore for today is to clear out the back corner of the shop in order to make room for the computer desk.  I have a storage shelf there where I keep paint and weathering materials along with other consumables and modeling material.  Everything is in plastic tubs with lids (see earlier MRN posts) so my little helper here made quick work of running back and forth with the tubs.  Wish I had her energy.

 I put up a 6 foot table in the basement room and piled all of the stuff on it.  Right now I'm not exactly sure where the shelf unit is going, so we'll move the stuff to the table and decide later.

 There!  An empty corner.  Ready for a new desk to appear!

 One thing I've learned from doing this kind of move over and over is to take 5 minutes and remove the door from the hinges.  This little step saves a lot of grief and time while you are moving.

 So the desk on the left is mine.  Normally it is not this clean.  We'll have to removed everything including the computer system and put it on another 4x4 pop up table.  Marie has already begun taking her computer gear down.

 A bit blurry, but I shot this without my glasses on.  The desk is dismantled completely and the parts are now in the workshop.  All you can see now are Marie's cables and the floor lamp.

So over in my office I begin putting the desk back together.  This probably would have been a quick job but we had to do it while taking care of the baby and the six year old so it took all day.  More work on Sunday!

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